They say when the guns roar the muses are silent. It’s true. War is bewildering. Shocking. Can I really continue to write about networking, business, education and a brighter future today?

Can I do it and stay clear of politics? Can I continue my writing and my startup development and ignore the current affairs?

Well, not quite. But I will do my best… My muses aren’t at their best, and so what’s left is to share some fractions of thought.

What if education was different there? What if kids, of all ages, where given superior education, allowing them to develop professionally? What if education was to concentrate on such topic as global preservation and local development? What if Iran and Syria would allocate budget to schools, computers, teachers, universities, campuses, lawns, school equipment, books and crayons in stead of missiles?
What if?

In my mind kids from schools in Gaza do field trips in Jaffa, Haifa and visit the children’s museum in Holon. Kids from schools in Tel-Aviv do field trips to Gaza beach to explore nature and visit sites in Bethlehem. This could be the best place on earth to live in!

How I wish I could somehow contribute to the education of this region’s kids. Kids, really, want to play, socialize and study. They want to grow, develop and make friends. I’d just like to connect them all to one net, and study math together. Or history, geography, literature, poetry. And open discussions, calm and pleasant about anything: from football to fashion. And sing together. There’s such a huge potential here. Look!

And one more thought, the very basic thought that nags me all the time: